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Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hello @NikNik, @Tim_H  can OCD change over time ??

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

To add some conext some of the symptoms I've exeriece are:

- religious obessions or thinking I was a sinner

- obessions around the sun damaging me eyes

- obsessions that my clothes/shoes don't fit properly

- obessions around my sexuality

- obsessions around how much sylvia should be in my mouth before I swallow

- obsessive around whether my brain is damaged (after drinking etc)

- obsessions around body parts not being the right shape / size

The list goes on and on...

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Thank you Tim 🙂

Would it be right to say that the thought process and the avoidance are the actual struggles, whereas the physical, more visible part of OCD is the giving in to that struggle? Most people would only witness the physical action side of OCD in others and might misinterpret as that is all that OCD contains. They are unaware of the mental, the invisible part of the process. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

However as all illnesses, like people
, are completely individual, my OCD has relied on more compulsions than obsession's, but that also comes about from not being willing to go against the compulsions, meaning there hasn't been that time to dwell on what would happen if I didn't act on them - where as some people struggle more with that mental side of things

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Thanks @Tim_H

I have a similar approach in regarding the medication plus ERP. I haven't done ERP with a therapist but I do a lot of meditation and that involves developing an acceptance of the thought and a letting go of the automatic response to repell it. I have found that very helpful, though it can be very anxiety provocing at first.

I don't know a lot about the actual biology of OCD, I have quite a scientific mind and would be very interested in learning more about it

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Hi Kerrys,

That's exactly right. The constant thoughts and mental struggle is the issue. Just because somebody performs a physical behavior of some kind doesn't mean they have OCD. Unless they think about it all day long and it causes significant distress

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

In my view the best book ever written about OCD 'Brain Lock - Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior' by Jeffrey M.Schwartz covers the biology really well. Plus uses meditation as the key treatment.

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

In terms of professional treatment, @Tim_H what role does it play in managing your OCD?

How do others (or their loved ones) find current treatment options?


Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Tim-H, would you mind answering, did something significant happen in your life at 7 years of age? Or do you think that OCD might be a coping mechanism for individuals in order to avoid something more traumatic? Please excuse me if I am touching a subject you might now want to discuss. I will totally understand if you dont wish to reply 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // OCD from an insiders perspective // 1 Aug, 7pm AEST

Some compulsions I've had are:
-Needing to finish things, resulting in big binges of food as I needed to have certain amounts of an item.
-Not stepping on cracks
-Needing to check every number plate of cars & needing to remember them
-Checking & closing of all doors, windows & curtains at home/out.
-Checking if you have run someone over whilst driving
-Needing to spit 50+ a day continuously cause of fear of contamination despite running out of saliva leaving a very dry mouth.
-The famous washing of hands in a certain way, certain drying techniques & having to do it until your hands are cracked & torn apart but not being able to keep moisturizer on because it feels off & you then need to wash your hands repeatedly after that (plus the burning of hand sanitizer on the cracked skin)

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