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Re: Living with Ourselves

Hugs and hugs @Sophia1 thinking of you and offerring a hand to hold anytime ❣❣

Re: Living with Ourselves





I've stumbled across the term. Mood-congruent delusions. There's also incongruent delusions. This is exactly what I've been dealing with. 

Re: Living with Ourselves

Erotomatic delusions.
Somatic delusions.
All interesting stuff.

Re: Living with Ourselves

Oh dear @eudemonism nfi really but do diagnoses help? Ok re understanding I guess

Re: Living with Ourselves

That is all too heavy for me tonight but glad you are finding ways to understand things for yourself @eudemonism

Re: Living with Ourselves

@eudemonism I want to take you out and get pissed with you Eude. We both need to chill out and let our hair down. Since I can't do that  I will say take it easy Eude, don't stress and know that we all love our Eude here. xxxx

Re: Living with Ourselves

hello @eudemonism


The list of disorders you referred to was long ..

I tried reading up on some and found that many led back to the same symptoms between several disorders...

For me it led to further confusion..

I am currently working at resting my chaotic mind....conscious of overthinking....

I hope that you have some time out from your mind and can have an enjoyable weekend as a result of time out..


I know that it is far easier to suggest this than put into practice..

Letting you know that I care about you...wonder how you are managing even when I am not around much on the forums..

take special  care Eude💗


Re: Living with Ourselves


I loved the elephant island image...

nature is incredible..

thank you 

hoping that things are improving for you

take care 💗

Re: Living with Ourselves




It's just putting an exact name to the symptoms I've dealt with for such along TIME. I enjoy reading about it on the internet. I think i need something to zonk me out in the afternoon times and at night because I've just got nothing to do... no money, nobody who visits and nobody to visit... just dealing with akathisia basically! 

Re: Living with Ourselves

Sounds like me re visitors etc @eudemonism. And 4channels on tv disappeared today. Only got new antenna a year ago ok it looked dodgy

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