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Re: not feeling good

@BlueBay Thanks for the tag.

Sorry everything is so difficult right now.  But at least the santa visit was worth while.  Really hope things settle soon for you.

Sherry  Heart


Image result for santa



Re: not feeling good

Thsnks lovely @Former-Member xxx

you made me smile seeing the Santa photo!!! 😂 

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay


The last therapist I saw wanted to pick around in my past and nagged at me to talk about it and after a couple of sessions when I cried afterwards I was asking myself why I was paying her all this money to tell her stuff I knew all about and didn't want to talk about anyway 


Like - I knew what I wanted to talk about and she often did not give me time to think of my answer and I like time to think of the answer - and I now I have decided not to see her I wonder a lot about that


So - there is no right or wrong answer to this - but do you feel as if your therapist is helping you when you are so upset afterwards - I have always believed that we see a therapist for help and to feel better afterwards - and I have had plenty of experience


Personally I like to be in charge of the discusion - and I have had that pretty much even years ago when I was seeing a psychiatrist when I was in psycho-analyis which is a huge commitment for doctor and patient - years of visits - 3 x 1 hour visits per week - I don't know if it helped my situation really but I did ask the psychiatrist to move his clock so I could see when the hour was up - this way I was not suddenly told it was over for the day - I really did not like that - now I just about know when the hour is up and can be subtle about looking at my watch -


But we are all different - I like to be in control - and we all have different reasons for seeing a psychologist - we pay them enough - we are their clients and they wouldn't be in business without us -


So - where I started - there is no right or wrong asnwer and you don't have an answer but ask yourself if this is helping - it maybe you just need someone to be there for an hour and that's okay - I understand that -  sometimes it's good for us for the time to be all about us


But it does upset you - and I got upset with this last one - and I didn't like it


I wish you the best with this therapist - but it seems to be hard therapy



Re: not feeling good

Hi @Owlunar this new psychologist I hsve is a female where the others were male. She is very caring calm and empathetic. She lets me be me without judgement so I can say exactly what I want snd how I feel. 

I feel I have a connection with her where I didn’t really eith the male therapists. 

I have so much to learn still so I will continue. I’m sure I’ll know when to stop my sessions. 

My sessions are hard but there’s so much I need to release snd let go. 


Re: not feeling good

That's okay @BlueBay


I just thought I'd ask - 


You know you need to let go of that unpleasant stuff - sometime you will because it's really hard stuff to carry around


I did see someone from an organisation called CASA a long time ago about something that happened when I was married - I didn't know it was a crime when it happened - I had a couple of interviews - maybe more - I forget - they were very helpful - they didn't criticise me at all - and I got over it along with all the other stuff that was not working with my marriage


It was worth it - I don't know if it's the same organisation - different circumstances too - but something that was very hard to deal with at the time



Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay. Nice to see you back.  The Santa photo will be nice to look back on.  


Im on my way to see my councillor now, Christmas shopping afterward, which I hate so not looking forward to that.  After this session with my councillor we’re having a break for about 6 weeks which I’m a little nervous about.



Re: not feeling good


I’m so over it sll tonight. I caught up ewith a close friend for a drink. Got home after an hour and half and hubby is just sitting down. I asked what’s for dinner. He says I don’t know. Then I got annoyed with him and he cracks like I’m meant to know what to cook. 

I have a stomach ache. And don’t want to eat. So he can make his own dinner. 

I’m sngry at my doctor because I’ve rung the last two days cause I wasn’t well he never called bsvk. So I’ve made an appt for Monday to see him. And I don’t care if he gets angry. I’m so annoyed and sngry. I feel that because of my mentsl illness my dictir doesn’t want me to see him. 

I need to go. I’ll come bsvk soon. 

Re: not feeling good

hugs @BlueBay Heart

Re: not feeling good

Hi everyone 

ok so last night I was annoyed with hubby. He could have organised dinner as he knows when I see this friend I’m always a few hours away. Instead he’s sitting around and no dinner organised. 

He ended up having eggs and I had a cup of tea eith a piece of cake. Thst was my dinner. 

I’m going to doctors this morning my heart is racing so fast. My doctor isn’t on but I’ll see the female dr. She is lovely. 

Today we have some sleepers to put down so we can use as a path. Then soil fir the garden bed, a few more plants and we’re done. Just in time for Christmas. So let’s hope the rain stays away. It’s quite humid here. 

Better go. I’ll come back later. Xxxxx

Re: not feeling good

Hi everyone @Shaz51@Razzle@Owlunar@Zoe7@Faith-and-Hope

saw dictir. It’s reflux again that’s causing the pain. Back on meds for that. 

I’m worrying that I have a sneaky suspicion that my parents won’t come for Christmas.  I feel she will cancel last minute using “dad is not well”.  If she does thst I will be really angry. But I’ll have my beautiful 3 children and Ayla to be with. And that’s more important snd special to me. 


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