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Re: Seniors Matter

Thinking of you @Adge xx

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Re: Seniors Matter

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Silent bullies are such cowards, feel sorry as they must be so very unhappy in their own skin.  And it amazes me how people don't mature out of it, especially the seniors. 

Ha, reminds me of my stubborn  pursed lip mum, 3 days before she died she called at me while I was looking out the window in her room,  thinking she was asleep, she said

"I do love you you know" 😲😞

People can be so stubborn, even to the end, sad ☯️ 


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Re: Seniors Matter


It's all good @Emelia8  @Eve7  @Adge  @greenpea and all @

Re: Seniors Matter

I love that @Former-Member 💓😊  ... live the story you want to tell.  I gotta say that the mug alongside the book looks pretty yummy too.  How is your exercises going @Former-Member ?  I have been doing my weekly pilates class for 6 weeks now, only missing last week due to local flooding and closed roads.  I was back again yesterday and our instructor made us work even harder than usual I think.  Although maybe that was my imagination .. and I only felt it more intensely because of a week off? 


You've been fairly quite since your birthday I think, although I've been off line a bit myself too, so I could be wrong about that.   Anyway I hope you are okay, and your little Georgia Girl too.  I am yet to get my Holly's blood tests back from the vet.  Its been a week now, perhaps delays due to the flooding in the area meaning the samples took longer to get to the labs.


Thinking of you EOR.  Sending love and a firm hug.


Emelia 😊💓

Re: Seniors Matter

Thanks @eth Much appreciated.

Thanks too @Former-Member 

Emotionally under water, at this end.

Too many stressors & demanding events.


Re: Seniors Matter

Thanks for sharing that @Former-Member and it's good to hear from you. Are you in lockdown? We're confined to barracks here awaiting covid results.


I had ECT this morning for the second last time and am feeling very groggy...looks like an early night for me. When I got home I found out I had to get a covid test!!!

Re: Seniors Matter

Ahh @Eve7 I had wondered if you might be mixed up in the latest covid outbreak. Something in this mornings news had me thinking of you. Hope your covid tests are negative. 


Second last ECT ... wow, so next Wednesday will mark a significant milestone.


Sorry you are feeling groggy. Are you working tomorrow, or taking a long long weekend?


Hiya @Adge ... take care buddy.


Emelia 🌷

Re: Seniors Matter

I am sure it will be negative @Emelia8 it was only because gd had been in a "hot spot" on Sunday morning that we had to have one.


No more ECT for me after next Wednesday. It's been a long haul.

Re: Seniors Matter

@Emelia8  I am not working tomorrow as I offered to be the "manager" working on Easter Monday and I need to wait for covid results.

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Re: Seniors Matter

Not up to saying much, floating. Got a Bit of a head cold today - went to get tested but 3hr wait rediculous when ya sick so went back to bed. What does it matter when ya isolated anyway?
@Eve7, I Forgot you were in Brizzy - so is my son. Wonder if they'll open up for easter?
Emelia, not good on the exercise front, not sure I ever will be. Glad you are doin better. GeorGia had vaccination today. She had ear wax flushed out, and needs teeth cleaned under anaesthesia. She really quiet tonight, hope she's ok. Hope your Holly's bloods are ok & she doesn't get sick on you.
@Adge - I hear you, hugz 🐦🐦🐦🐦

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