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All alone in lolliepop land

I feel so alone with no one to talk to

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Re: All alone

That's a truly awful space to be in @lolliepop. Is there anybody in your life who knows how you've been feeling? 


You've done well to reach out for support. Is there anything you think the community might be able to do to support you at the moment? 


Please feel free to jump in on any disucssions that are happening around the place. If you want to connect around something lighter, you can check out our social space here too. 


Take care 🌷

Re: All alone


Hi... I'm new here, but just wanted to let you know that I understand how you re feeling and it really is not a nice place to be. I know that this probably isn't helpful but just wanted to say I understand.

Re: All alone

Hey @lolliepop, I can understand what you are saying. Being alone and experiencing loneliness can be a tough thing to cope with. I'm around for a while if you would like to chat? Just put the @ symbol and my name to tag me and I will be notified 🙂


I hope you are okay.

Re: All alone

Hello @lolliepopHeartHeart

we are here for you my friend

talk to us anytime 24/7 , remember you are not alone xxx

Hello @bean, @Former-Member, @Queenie

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Re: All alone

It's very tough when there is no one around to talk to @lolliepop. Loneliness and having no one to share our struggles with is one of the biggest triggers of depression and distress. 


Are you totally on your own or are those around just not understanding and/or are unsympathetic?


Is there anything specific you would like to get off your chest and talk about? It can be in a small or big way - whatever you feel comfortable with.  As when "something's not right" this is the appropriate platform to talk about it - no need to carry it alone sincerely as this is what this forum section should be all about - supporting others from sliding down the slippery slope to despair. I am here for you without judgement, just genuine care, if you wish to talk. Sending a warm hug xxx



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Re: All alone

@lolliepopHeartWoman Happy

I'm here for you, if you would like to be friends. I have been on my own for 8 years & isolated from most people, due to Chronic pain, & MI.

Tag me anytime ok, I hope to hear from you soon!

Love & Hugs!

Bella xo  🙂

See the source image

Re: All alone

Hello @lolliepop 🤗

Re: All alone

Thankyou everyone @outlander@Former-Member@Former-Member@Shaz51@Queenie@bean


It's just hard to talk about things. That's all. 

Not applicable

Re: All alone

I totally understand @lolliepop - but am here when you feel ready to 💞🤗

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