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Something’s not right

Re: I feel very alone

Good afternoon @Eden1919 

Just coming past to see how you are going.


Will be around for awhile if you need some support hon.

Lots of love and hugs 💕💕💕

Re: I feel very alone

@Gwynn @TideisTurning  I did manage to get onto a helpline today but it kind of made things worse idk the person just kept saying they didnt know what to suggest and it made me feel a little more hopeless. I have tried those other exercises and stuff too but they arent reallt helping at the moment. idk nothing really is at the moment but thanks anyway. 

@Snowie  thanks, how are you today? I am not having a great day. 


I feel like no one in my life has space for me and my problems and i uderstand everyone is going through their own stuff but i try really hard to make space for others in my life to talk about what they need too and i try my best to understand and listen and be there for them but i feel like lately no one has space for me and my problems like even when i am having a really hard time i make space for others but i feel like it doesnt always go the other way and maybe that is too much of an expectation idk I just feel like no one has space for me.  

Re: I feel very alone

Hi @Eden1919 it is tough to feel the way you do. People do have space for you, it just may feel they don't when it is difficult to feel understood. Please contact the helplines again and reach out for support, even telling them what you need, that you just want someone to listen and sit with you can be helpful. it is difficult when you feel alone, but you are not alone. please take care of yourself

Re: I feel very alone

@jazz  I did tell the person on the helpline that i just wanted them to listen but they kept trying to suggest things i had already been trying and then just ended up saying they didnt know what to do and ended the call. people say reach out for support but what support? there isnt that much out there to be honest and even if it is half the time it is out of reach, reach out to who? to where? to what? i genuinely dont know what to do anymore and i am not asking for advice i am just saying that i feel very lost right now. 

Re: I feel very alone

Hey @Eden1919 yeah thats tough. we are here sitting with you, won't give advice, just going to validate your struggle and be here with you. Will keep checking in. You've got this.

Re: I feel very alone

Good morning @Eden1919 

Wishing you a good day hun and hope it goes ok for you.

Much love and hugs sent your way 💟💟💟

Re: I feel very alone

@jazz @Snowie  thanks


I am having a hard day today there is a lot going on and it is hard to explain but i just dont feel right. 

Re: I feel very alone

Good morning @Eden1919 

Sorry to hear that yesterday was a hard day for you. But you made it through the day so that is a bonus.

I hope today is a little better for you sweetie.

All my love and hugs 💕💕💕

Re: I feel very alone

Hello @Eden1919 . You sound like someone I would like to communicate with if you are interested.

Re: I feel very alone

@Snowie @P12  Hi sorry I took so long to respond I was taken back to hospital and only got out a few days ago. Thank you both for your responses @P12  sure what did you want to talk about? 



I am feeling weird since leaving hospital and there is a lot going on that is hard to explain. I am still struggling a lot with self care and I am on new meds which aren’t really doing much at the moment I am feeling really stressed about uni too. 

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