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Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@The-red-centaur  Have been thinking of you my friend and wondering how it has been going for you. Stay strong The-red-centaur you are amongst friends here. Love peaxxx

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@greenpea I can't do it anymore...

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Waking up to no meaning
I stare at the ceiling
Count the imperfections that
Surround my being

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

I blame myself for everything
I fought so hard not to drown
I held up the walls, you pulled the strings
And now it's all crashing down
So please remind me
Of who I'm supposed to be
'Cause now I'm finding
It's tearing at the seams

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

@The-red-centaur  Sweetheart you are doing so, so well with everything you are coping with. Hold on to hope. We are all here for you. Cheering you on my friend. Don't forget how much you are loved. Love peaxxx

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

I ain't doing well. If a nurse wasn't here rn I don't know what id do.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Bad night ....chest pain and abnormal ECG.....the Dr is taking a while to get back to me. I'm scared. <br><br><br>Maybe my ED will finally end me, that'd be nice.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Did my meal plan for the next week with the dietician...fck I'm scared.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Bastards are making me do something i dont want i have no say in my matter its there way or they will screw me.

Re: Inpatient with an eating disorder

Hi @The-red-centaur , I'm just new to this forum and am just reading through your posts. I really feel for you - I also have an ED and have been in inpatient and it was one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences of my life. I hope you have supportive people around you. I also hope your specialists are HAES focussed... The HAES paradigm shift was so enlightening for me. Take care 

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