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Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Familiarity is always a comfort!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

That's a great example @Snowie - I know it's not always accesible to everyone but sometimes your regular professionals such as GP or mental health professionals may work with you to adjust the ways you can contact them while you travel. 


If they can't though - they can sometimes help you devise a plan or strategy with how to reach out to suitable supports in the meantime 😉

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

You said:
"Has anyone ever worked with their support networks, professionals etc when going away? Doing things like setting up how to connect when out of routine or who you could connect to if not your usual support network? "

I have an ADDRESS BOOK (paper and digital), and under  'H'  I have a whole page of contacts titled " HELPS "
When I'm overwhelmed I can't think so I've made this as easy as possible for myself to find and use.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Making things simple is another awesome point @Former-Member 


In planning and preparing we can get a bit overwhelmed and flustered - so it can be okay to take small steps and simplify what you can. Lists are helpful, notes to yourself ready to access for when you might find yourself in an anxious headspace can be lovely too. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

As we have been talking about travelling in regard to managing negative feelings tonight, which is so important, it might be nice to also look at the positive impacts of travel. Some reminders of the growth, learnings or feelings we may have gotten from being out of our comfort zone. @Former-Member @Talin @greenspace @Snowie @Jm3 @Ginny1 @Ilovehiking @Shaz51 (sorry if I have missed anyone!)

What experiences do others have of travelling or being away from home that really benefited them or created a meaningful experience? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

I have mapped my trip out on  calendar so I can see our planning. I like to see it set out on one page. We are travelling for 5 weeks so it can seem overwhelming. I guess that is giving me a bit of control over it. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

It can be helpful to use video chat to have that connection at home when on holiday, you just need to find where you can get wifi if overseas. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

Planning on a calendar is a great idea @Ilovehiking, what do you mark down on your calendar - locations, hotels and sightseeing? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

I love getting out into outdoors and getting a nature fix. This time we will be able to hike in some mountanous areas which we don't have at home. My husband loves people watching so he is happy to sit in a park or cafe, while I read. Holidays are also great for takling without the stress of family or household/job duties! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Managing mental health when travelling or away from home // Tues 16 Apr, 7pm AEDT

For me @Former-Member it is more seeing my children enjoying the holiday. That benefits me and makes it feel like going through the anxiety worth it.

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