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Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

I've learned a lot following along here tonight.-- me tooo @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Sally_Morris 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

@BeHappy. I also say the wrong thing some times. I just appologise, correct my error and learn. Most people are accepting when we say sorry ( if they were offended) & learn.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

@Former-Member This is a great question!!

Some may look at this like a scale - with Tolerance at one end - Acceptance in the middle - and Celebration in at the other end.

For a long time our community has talked about 'tolerance' of LGBTI people - and for many being 'tolerated' does't feel good enough - so langauge has move towards 'accepting' LGBTI people as a part of our society - and this is probalby where most of us sit at the moment.

However - I am an adovate for celebrating all the diversity and differences within a community - and really seeing the value and worth that all these differences hace and bring to our community.   

Celebrating isn't necsessarily about making all our private business public - because everyone has different levels of comfort about this - but about honoring the role that diversity has in making a community a wonderful place.   

... though maybe im a idealist!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

With only five minutes left, I'm interested in what people's main take away was for tonight? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

@Former-Member I think if people can try to be friendly and reach out to people who they may notice are feeling shy, isolated or excluded that can make a really big difference to both that person as well as making a more welcoming community space!  It is really the little things that count

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

Thank you @Sally_Morris for sharing your remarkable insight. Learned a lot tonight!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

Thanks @Sally_Morris

My main take away was use more neutral language, and to slow down! If I get it wrong, dust myself off, apologise, and try again.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

I would just like to remind everyone about QLife - a great resource for both LGBTI people as well as their freinds, family and community folk who are looking for extra support!



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Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

My main takeaway was it's ok to have a community not including family members. Acceptance is paramount.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Your role in creating community for LGBTI people // 23 May

Great! Thanks SO much to @Sally_Morris for tonight. I've learnt alot!

Can we give @Sally_Morris a virtual round of applause?? 

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