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Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Thank you for being so brave.

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Hugs @Gottservant, @Jamie30, @Sophia1, @Queenie, @Former-Member Heart

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

I know exactly how you feel Sophie. Well written. I feel like crying too.

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Hi, I watched the program and hope that lots of other people watch it too. My husband, who has schizophrenia, didn't watch it because he needs lots of sleep, but I'm hoping he will watch it on iView. Thank you to the brave people on the program for sharing your stories, many of which my husband would identify with.

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Amazing courage and noble all these guys to appear on national tv and be so brave

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

My experience with schizophrenia didn't include hearing voices but I did once have visual hallucianations that spoke to me.  I spoke to my parents whom I thought were sitting in the room with me until they both evaporated before my eyes.  I have also had the delusion that people can read my mind.  I thought my thoughts were so loud that others could hear them.  I also thought I could see people eyeing me and boring into my brain.  Another delusion that I have had is that other people were automatons and weren't really conscious but I was.  It made me feel very alone.

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Thanks for sharing this

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

I really like that the people are so real and genuine

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

I have some questions: as a mental health worker-with little to no medication training-how can i best help someone experiencing schizophrenia or psychotic illness/experience? How helpful have people found talking therapies? And how best to challenge a delusion you believe might endanger a person?

Re: You Can't Ask That: Schizophrenia

Sorry Sophia1 I meant to say Thankyou Sophia1 not Sophie.

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