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Looking after ourselves

Senior Contributor

Update on DID diagnosis.

Hi, I am feeling weird cause something good is happening...ok start again.


I saw an expert in Dissociative Identity disorder about two weeks ago.  He confirmed what I had suspected but kind of also doubted, that I do have DID.  I didn't take it well, I had a series of panic attacks for a few days but thankfully they passed.  He wants me to go into a psych hospital which has programs for dissociative and trauma related disorders.  My counsellor agreed that it would be beneficial.  I texted the hospital, took out private hospital cover, found a gp to refer me to a closer psychiatrist cause the guy who diagnosed me is in another state, I need someone closeby.  I'm thinking about which suitcase and what clothes, etc.  I kind of feel like it's nolonger me who is doing this.  It was part me up to the point that I contacted the shrink who diagnosed me.  Then I started to feel like I was watching myself...I mean, I am doing the calling, but the driving is being done by someone else. Me, I am terrified of going to a psych ward, never been and don't want to go.  That is how I always felt, but I don't feel that now.  Now it feels more like we are going to a psychology conference.  But it's not going to be fun, it's going to be bloody awful and painful.  Two weeks ago, I was so happy just to go to see my favourite singer, now I feel nothing, I haven't even bought ticket yet.  I think I know which alter is doing this, I just don't feel like I can do anything about it.  When one of them decides they want something, it's just easier to go along for the ride than fight it.  I know this will be a good experience, so I should be happy to go myself, maybe it's a good thing she is taking over, cause I probably would not be coping with the idea.  Meanwhile, just hanging out here in the background watching myself making calls and organizing things.


Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

Hi @Lemonjuice ..... 👋


I just found your post here and want to wish you all the best with it.  Can you tag me into your future posts so I can walk along with you a

bit ?  I'm hearing you that it's plrobably easier to let the I-want-this alter lead, and it sounds like she has got the best interest at heart for all of you ..... 🤞


I hope the suitcase and clothes choices etc have been a good distraction for you.



Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

@Faith-and-Hope Hi, sure, I will try to remember to tag you. Thanks for making contact.  I have to tell you though, I was coming on here to write how as far as I'm concerned, I have no interest in pursuing any of this anymore.  I don't want to  see any shrinks, or counsellors, or go to any hospital.  I don't believe I need it.  Everyone has problems, but they don't run to shrinks everytime something bugs them.  I'm going to the counsellor on Monday to let her know.  I'm not sure if I am going to keep seeing her, I may but that's definitely enough of the psych voodoo nonsense.  Life is tough, it's best to get on with it...not going to spend the remainder of my years, fussing over the past.

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

Hearing you with that one too @Lemonjuice.  Sounds like you have sat with it for a little while and can't find a comfort level.

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

@Faith-and-Hope Just read the first post, yeah, I can't relate to it.  Some of it I can't remember. So, it's real, she really went north to see a shrink, kind of like a vague dream to me.. Yeah, what can I say, even if this is true, fk it, it's not true now.  

Not applicable

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

Morning @Lemonjuice, just want to say hi and see how you are doing. 

Hope your day is a peaceful one

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

@Former-Member  that was very kind of you.  I am ok, struggling to get my place sold and move, but baby steps.  I hope you are well.

Not applicable

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

I hope things keep moving in the right direction for you @Lemonjuice   I am doing ok tonight thanks you. 

Re: Update on DID diagnosis.

@Former-Member 💓

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