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Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi                      that is a good question ?? because My husband said one night four months ago  , I am going to the hospital, and he was gone , they ended up sending him to a mental hospital, I was totally lost , ringing up everywhere, my stepdaughter found where he was the next day and they kept him in hospital for a week .

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

@Snoo, sorry I should have clarified. By safety plan, I mean having strategies/resources in place going into the festive season (when support services shut-down) to keep your loved one emotionally, psychologically safe. 

Things you can do to keep you loved one safe throughout the festive season is:

  • keep communication open. Encourage and/or create a space to talk about what your loved one might be experiencing. Let them know you're there to listen without being judgmental.
  • Identify potential trigger that may arise for them over the festive season, and discuss ways they can manage and/or avoid these.
  • Observe their behaviours and moods, and if indicate you've noticed a change in their behaviour
  • encourage the person to exercise, eat well and become involved in social activities
  • keep in touch and encourage close friends and family to do the same.

If you are concerned about your loved during this time, there are services that are available that can use for support

 Beyondblue's info line -  1300 22 4636 will operate 24/7 over the holiday period for anyone needing information on depression, anxiety and related drug and alcohol problems.

 Other organisations have free telephone counselling or support lines &include:

  • Lifeline 131114
  • Kids Helpline 1800 551800
  • Mensline 1300 789978
  • Mental Health  Line 1800 011511
  • Accessline 1800 800 944 (in NSW)

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

@Shaz51, that sounds so stressful! I hope that you have some type of plan just in case something like this happens again?

A few years back my loved on got quite unwell, and we didn't know what to do. It's partly the reason why I worry about leaving my loved at home alone during this time of year. 

I think a safety plan is a great idea. Thanks @CherryBomb

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

hi ,                    Oh Yes I see , will have to have these tips handy

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

I'd not really thought about setting up a plan for emotional safety. I can see how it also help keep people physically safe too. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi BeHappy                    Yes I have like  @CherryBomb said  and also the biggest thing is communication , this is soooo important

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Wow, I just looked at the clock and realised we only have 20 minutes left. Now is the time to share any final thoughts, or ask any questions.

Though I thought I would ask one question of you all. What's something that you are most looking forward to this Christmas? And, how are you going to enjoy/get through it?

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Thanks for tonight everyone. It's helped. I'm feeling abit more positive about Christmas.

@CherryBomb, what am I looking forward to? Resting and having some time off work. I do love spending time with the little ones too. It's great seeing the joy in kids, reminds me of what Christams is about.

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you all!

Re: Topic Tuesday // **now open** // Finding the joy in Christmas

Hi                     I am   most looking forward to this Christmas is seeing my uncles and Aunties all together again and my cousins I have not seen for a few years , and i am going to see what happens on the day ,

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