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Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Hi @Sophia1 , glad you could join us! The discussion will be happening right here in this thread, all you have to do is refresh the page to see the new responses. Hopefully it will work for you, but let me know if there are any issues. Totally okay as well if you can't stay for long Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Also tagging @Wol @ToothlessT to see if you might be interested to join our discussion tonight too 🙂 

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Question 1.


I would actually like to address the gaps in support for carers/family members. Being a part of a volunteer-led organisation like NEA BPD Australia, we rely heavily on the goodwill and voluntary time of carers, clinicians and usually not-for-profit organisations (for venues) to run Family Connections Programs (free 12 week program teaching skills, educating and providing support for carers of someone with BPD/ emotional dysregulation)

We have approximately 2500 people registered in Australia waiting for the program to be run near them and 15 active leaders across Australia, in a country of nearly 26 million people, this is just not enough.    


I can’t comment on other states, but I recently looked into support for carers in South Australia and while we have some wonderful grassroots support groups like Sanctuary (great website and anyone can join their mailing list), BPD specific support is really lacking. There is a lot of information on the internet, but we all know it can be hard to source from reputable sources, where to go for information and there is no substitute for meeting in person (or online in this current climate!). So people don’t know where to even start, and when they do, the wait is long, or it costs money, and this adds to what I often see as an already isolated and stigmatised situation for not only carers but also the person with BPD.


Carers can be up against well-intentioned, but misinformed friends and family members who believe the person with BPD is ‘just manipulating them’ or ‘shouldn’t act this way’, this can lead to people feeling more alone, judged, provided with incorrect advice, and ostracised from events. My heart goes out to people living with BPD because I come across a lot of people in pain and suffering, and at the same time, when you see both parties or just one side getting support, and to see the gains they make and the confidence they have in themselves and each other, it inspires me and motivated in this space.

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Not enough DBT group therapy offered. Too expensive to do. 
@cloudcore  hi @BPDSurvivor @Daisydreamer @KirstyNEABPD 

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Hi @BlueBay and @Jacques , welcome to the discussion Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Hi @BlueBay !


Great to see you. I'm so glad you can join us tonight Smiley Happy


In reference to your comment about DBT, you are totally right. I don't think there is enough of ANY therapy for pwBPD. Particularly as 10 subsidised sessions is simply NOT enough!


So frustrating, isn't it?

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

hi everyone, reading along, my aunt and partner have been diagnosed with bpd. i have found that many professtional mental health workers are confused about how to diagnose this illness. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Welcome @Sophia1 and @BlueBay 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

you definitely need more than 10 sessions @BPDSurvivor !!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // BPD Awareness Week 2021 – Discover Creative Wellbeing // Tues 5th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT

Hello @BlueBay, I completely agree. We offer DBT within the Government Community Mental Health Services in Metro SA but even then it can be a long wait (depending on the area) and private is expensive too. More access to these evidence-based therapies need to be provided.

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