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How to help someone who isn't ready

My partner is suicidal. Unsure of what I can do to help him. He's not entirely willing to accept help, but I am hoping taking baby steps will help.


I found him at his lowest yesterday, which has been a big wake up call for me as to exactly how bad he is feeling.


Re: How to help someone who isn't ready

Hi @Cat28 

How are things going?

If someone is a danger to themselves you can call CATT (mental health crisis team) and see about getting your partner assessed. Depending on the outcome of this it may or may not lead to involuntary treatment. 


I would suggest that you familiarise yourself with your state/territory mental health Act, readily available on line.


Difficult times ...


Re: How to help someone who isn't ready

@Cat28, thinking of you lots , and hopping you are ok xx

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