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Im currently diagnosed with a mental health issue under psychosis. Tho Im am not completely sure that is my condition?
Im in drugs and all but nothing seems to work for me.
I cant concentrate and everything, even anwsering "how are you", is such an effort for me.
I feel like my head is congested and not clear.
What is happening to me?
I have been like that for a year now. I know inside I am very sad but everything has to come to the surface,but how?
Any suggestion about what to do?
I would really appreciate if soneone can understand me.
Senior Contributor

Re: Help

@Dani23, if you check out the "other half" of the SANE forums, Lived Experience, and type "psychosis" into the search bar, you may find some helpful posts there already. x

Any of the moderators online have a more specific recommendation? 

Not applicable

Re: Help

Hi there @Dani23,

A very warm welcome to the forums from myself I hope you receive support and some of your questions answeredon here, it sounds like there is a lot going on as you mentioned 'everything has come to the surface now' would you like to desribe that a bit more?

Also, in regards to feeling like your head is congested and unclear that sounds terribly hard, do you find that you are running over thoughts which is making your head feel this way?

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