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Casual Contributor

Uncertain love



I'm brand new to the forum. It's great to have a safe place to go like this when you feel unsure, so thanks.


I've been dating for a few months and my partner has recently begun the process of getting a mental health diagnosis. They've been open with me (and their parents) from the start of the symptoms, which have been visual disturbances, imagining still objects have moved and paranoia (thinking their friends were against them). Ultimately, my partner thinks they may have schizophrenia. They are compliant with their GP, working with a psychiatrist and taking a range of medical tests to rule out other causes and no official diagnosis has been given yet.

I feel very connected and like our relationship has progressed through laughter, sharing, open communication and some mutual experience (I've experienced anxiety, depression and panic attacks for a number of years). 

I am concerned for them 😔 and saddened by the potential difficulty they may have to experience. It's also quite worrying reading through the forum as I am new to complex mental health illness and scared by the range of experiences and uncertainties about how my partner will cope. 

I am also unsure whether to continue persuing the relationship (I say this with true sadness and shame) given that I have some mental health challenges of my own. I am wondering how this disorder (if it is schizophrenia) or the medication used to treat it will change the person I am falling in love with. What would a healthy relationship look like? 



Re: Uncertain love

I know how you feel I am going through the same process it is not easy do you live with the person I know I need my space but I keep the connection by staying at there place on weekends.

Re: Uncertain love

Thanks for your reply.

It's comforting to know someone is experiencing a similar thing. We don't live together and are doing long distance at the moment. I value space too and the time/ energy to spend on myself. 
Staying at your partner's place on weekends sounds like a good strategy for you. Do you have a support network to help you as you support your partner? 

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Re: Uncertain love

Hey @Queen_of_hearts I am just wondering how you've been travelling? How are you and your partner going with all that is happening out in the world? Heart

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