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Casual Contributor

What do I do anymore

Hey, well this is my first post and I dont even know if im doing it right, so let me know if this is the right place or if I shouldn't talk about this stuff here, but here I go, I'm 18 and it feels like the world's againts me the amount of things I'm going through daily both mentally and physically is just hurting, I feel alone, even when im around loved ones, I feel unwanted even with people wanting me, I had to push someone away in the past couple of weeks because how much toll they've been putting on my mental health, for a very long time I thought she was the one, but it ended all like that in a day, a friendship that lasted three years, now I wont get into the details cause I dont even know if im allowed to on here or what the rules are, but she ended up hurting me alot, more then any pain I felt before both physically and mentally, pain I didn't even think was possible, and I still blame myself, for not holding on tighter or trying harder to make her wanna stay with me or maybe I couldve changed to a man she wanted, but in the end she left and the worst part of it all I didn't realise how badly I wanted her till she left.

This is just a little rant but to anyone reading this thank you for spending your time, please let me know if I can share more or not, but it feels better scrapping the top of my problems away


Re: What do I do anymore

Hey @James8 I am so sorry to hear how tough things are for you at the moment. I'm glad you found this space, and hope you find some connection and support here. It sucks to lose someone close to us, and it's okay to grieve the loss of the relationship. I hear that you blame yourself, but remember that it takes two to tango - no one is ever 100% to blame for relationship breakdown. Be gentle and kind to yourself if you can, and hopefully the intensity of feelings eases off soon 🤞


You're welcome to share more details if you'd like, so long as there's no graphic descriptions or other breaches of our Community Guidelines. If anything is posted that goes against the guidelines, don't stress too much - many new members accidentally breach, and we will get in touch with you if that's the case. 


I've also sent you an email regarding your username so keep an eye out. 

Re: What do I do anymore

Hi @James8 


How are ye and welcome to the forums, its full of people who care and offer some decent advice.  We all have our troubles but its good to share and realise that we are not the only ones having problems.


As @Jynx said so aply "it takes two to tango", so don't beat your self up on what could have been.  You can't be changing yourself to suit other peoples preferences, as then you aren't being you, and trying to be what your not is bloody exhausting.


So be kind to yourself, go out with your mates and enjoy their company, the world can be a fun place, you should try it. 


Look after yourself





Re: What do I do anymore

Hi @James8  welcome to the forum. I'm sure you are in correct place. You can share anything, we are here to listen you at anytime. And help you in anyway we can. So what made you to think in that way. Is that relationship lead to or anything else bothering in your mind?

Re: What do I do anymore



Good on you for finding the forum and sharing your first post. It really helps to talk about how you are feeling. It is human nature to suffer when intimate relationships breakdown and to blame ourselves or feel guilt/shame for what happened. How does it make you feel to accept that you actually did the best you could? We are all doing the best we can to live a good life....and sometimes these situations are out of our control.


Take time for self care and do things that make you happy. Let those close to you, know how you are feeling and share with them that you need some space to grieve the loss...and trust that good things and good times are coming!


Have a look around the forum.... you will find some helpful and supportive conversations.

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