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Are you okay @Dec

Hi @Owlunar

I have been thinking about you as I haven't seen you on the forum.  I hope you are okay.  Pls let me know you are okay.  I know the last time I read a post was that you were struggling with your back.

I have missed chatting with you.  Really miss you @Owlunar

Hope to chat to you soon.

Love BB xxxooo

Not applicable

Re: Are you okay @Dec

This is a lovely thread @BlueBay, thinking of you @Dec and hoping you are taking good care of yourself. We are here for you and hope your back pain isn't too bad, that must be horrible going through that ❤️

Not applicable

Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @BlueBay @Former-Member

Dec said she was going to have a busy few days and wouldnt be on much *in another thread - i think life can be a pain 🙂

but also hoping she's having on ok few days! Hi @Owlunar


Re: Are you okay @Dec

Thanks @Former-Member  🙂

I was really worried that I hadn't 'seen' @Owlunar on here.  I've just gone to her post and read that she is not on here for a few days.

BB xxxooo

Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @BlueBay


It is a wonderful thing to be missed - it means that I have value here and this is something I treasure


I have been away - Lakes Entrance - for a week and it has been wonderful - I really needed to sit by the ocean and watch the surf - and perhaps you already know that the sand at the surf beach is about 100 yards across so I often sat in the sand-dunes and watched it from there after walking down to the surf once - and actually the view is wonderful from up there


My back played up- sitting on the train for such a long time was tough - next time I go first class - there you can tip the seats back and there is more room - can you imagine - there were empty seats in ecomony returning - it got a little crowded but I moved and spent most of the trip chatting - it makes the time go faster


The weather was pretty hot but that was great - I hope to post some pics later today - perhaps it's easier to post them from the internet than my phone - btw - I used up half my months allowance in a few days -


I missed talking with you too - so I hope things have not been too brutal - this time I did not have internet access and I didn't want to cart my computer with me - it's tough yards with my suitcase and hand luggage


And I missed everyone else too - lots of hugs



Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @Owlunar
So glad to see you on here this morning. I'll write back later going to do some grocery shopping Chat soon. Xxoo

Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @Owlunar

I am glad you had a break at Lakes Entrance.  It would have been nice and to just sit and watch the waves - how nice is that 🙂

Is your back okay now? i know you suffer from back pain.

I so missed our chats and I am glad to see yoiu back on here

take care of your back @Owlunar

Heart BB

Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @BlueBay


I had so much to do yesterday - I was busy and then had to sleep - I didn't get back onto the computer


But it was great having a break at Lakes Entrance -


I hope you are okay - I have been wondering about you - I know you are up and down a lot - therefore one day is great and another is a disaster - I have been there but for different reasons - mother-probs we have in common - but then - we are all different


I am wondering if I can post a pic here - I got a couple off the internet - so let's see if I can find one


Abel Tasman.jpg


Oh great - this is the motel where I was staying - opposite one of the Lakes and I only had to cross the Princes Highway to get there



Re: Are you okay @Dec

Just realized I had not seen you around lately @Owlunar so I turned on my computer to check and saw that so many others were missing you too!  So pleased you have had a nice break.  Hope you're feeling better all round.  I'm sending my best wishes to you too.

Re: Are you okay @Dec

Hi @Historylover 


I am okay - thanks for asking - I just took some time out - I believe strongly in self-care and using the computer can be painful for my wonky shoulder so it's all good


I think my shoulder is improving - I am seeing my specialist next week about possible options - eg stem-cell replacement - the prognosis is not at all good for a shoulder replacement 


I hope you are okay and I haven't read where else you might have posted here - I was reading the forum here and there when I was taking time out - that way I get to read more than when I actually post


I had forgotten about this thread - and I loved seeing the motel where I stay when I am in Lakes Entrance - it's so close to one of the Lakes and I have missed my travel plans through the lockdown - someone I know felt like going to Lakes Entrance for Christmas but the rates for accommodation are very high - I guess that is the way of Supply and Demand - a lot of people are just itching to get away esp during the school holidays and there is a limited number of places for all of the city to descend on a small community.


I like to go in March - I will have to see what things cost then - and also - in March the crowds are less and I enjoy having peace and quiet when I can have that. I love to walk along the lakes


Thanks for the shout-out - I hope you are well




Lakes Entrance from the airLakes Entrance from the air

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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