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Re: Tabaluga's

Its hard getting motivated at the best of times to get tasks done @TAB I have to cook a zucchini slice today. Don't quite know when thats a happening thing! lol


Enjoy your day. I'm about to make a cup of carob drink then get stuff out of the road. The bins are out for collection. Can tick that off my list of to do things

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @SmilingGecko  you enjoy your day too.

Bins Friday here. have to check what to do every time now have new system, They only take 'normal' rubbish once a fortnight now. not sure what paying them for. I should check up on free dump days, sure have missed a few already else its like $60 for a carload lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 hey cool friends, one hour to long weekend. Hope you're all okay.

Re: Tabaluga's

Yaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy @Meowmy !

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Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko 🙂🌺

hello there ☺️

sorry for the delay… sometimes fatigue is a pain in the backside, topside, and all the other sides! Hehe 😉 

it’s really so great you have your own place now, after having to live in many places…having housing security is absolutely essential, and I hope that we as a society can get much better systems in place to ensure all people have safe and secure homes, isn’t it ☺️🌺


and, you’ve inspired me..I bought a bread making kit from woollies and am about to give it a try 😋

I don’t have a loaf pan, but I have a dual handled stainless saucepan that I can use as a bread pan in the oven instead.. I’ve cooked bread in it before - it just turns out round instead of rectangular 🙂

when it’s done, I’ll try to remember to post a pic on the Cook Along thread ☺️

I hope your day is going well 🌺🙂


Re: Tabaluga's

Hello @Former-Member yes wonderful stuff making your own bread. Well done. Go you!  I buy a low carb gluten free bread mix which is made out of sweet potato flour from Woolies. They have changed the packaging on it so the picture that appears below isn't the same as the packaging in the store but the brand is the same and yes its sweet potato flour


Screenshot 2024-04-24 at 12.31.26 pm.png


It works out cheaper than buying things like almond flour for example. 


I did see a recipe for red lentil bread a while ago on facebook. It may be on you tube.


But I have a whole drum of dried red lentils - you can make a protein bread out of it by granulating the red lentils in a coffee grinder and then mixing with the other ingredients and putting in a bread tin.


Flour is going to be hard to come by. I am led to believe lots of flour comes from Ukraine as its known as the flour bowl.


So that is why I have stocked up on red lentils. Mine I bought online in a drum in bulk from a gluten free supplier in Adelaide.


During wars and depressions women used to make red lentil bread ❤️


Please tag me on the thread with your new loaf of bread

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

Hey there @SmilingGecko 🙂🌺

that yoga studio looks swish! ☺️

glad it was helpful and you’re feeling good after the session 💜☺️

I used to do some tai chi and it was really great for feeling much more ‘in tune’ and connected in my body 😊

I hope you have a nice afternoon, and all goes well 🙂🌺

Not applicable

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko  thank you 🤗🌺

My local woollies unfortunately doesn’t stock that bread, so I went with a different one - rye based. 
can’t wait to try it ☺️

yes I remember my grandmother talking about what she used to eat during the first and second WW’s..she was a child during the first, and a new mother during the second, in the UK, living in London both times. When I have been a bit tight with the budget, I have thought back on her tips, and used them well 🙂🌺💜

ok, once it’s done, I’ll post there… I have yet to think of the next Cook Along recipe, so I’ll have a think and post that too ☺️🙌🏻

Re: Tabaluga's

No problem @Former-Member. I used to love eating Anchor brand rye bread growing up. Can't eat it now due to gluten sensitivity.


Yes my father was in WWII as a child and missed conscription by one year. His brothers and father were all in the navy. Dad ended up going into the air force. He had incredible willpower and discipline.


He used to wake up at 4am and go to work in the mornings so he could have the afternoons off. He said he learnt it from being based in the Sahara Desert - they would have to wake up early to avoid the heat and do his military stuff then.


I think we can learn a lot from our ancestry and it seems to be getting that way now with the way the world is going.


I guess I better go for a walk now. Lovely chatting

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF @Bill16 hey cool friends, started my long weekend. Drove thirty minutes to shopping street. Out having lunch to start. Hope you're all okay.

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