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Re: D.I.D.

Keeping you in thoughts @Smc 

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D.

Thanks @Former-Member.

Is quiet-ish here at the moment. Older Daughter is making enquiries into the possibility of supported accomodation. Am thinking we need to make sure she's discussing the pros and cons with her psychologist and other professionals. One one hand, we'd like her to be living somewhere that's maybe a bit safer; on the other hand, we're not sure how she'd handle being in that setting long term. There's a lot of probably justified caution among professionals about "institutionalising" people. We visited one option with her that wasn't going to be suitable, but the director there has suggested another place. (Theirs isn't set up for the high care needs that repeated SH requires.)


Younger Daughter is showing worrying signs of depression. She was home from school today, mostly because I don't think we could have gotten her on the bus, short of manhandling her down there in her PJs... Ummm, no. Rang the school today and gave one of their student welfare workers a "heads up" on what's going on, and we're insisting that she's going tomorrow. We've also lined up an initial psychologists appointment for her.


And we've reached the hard decision that Hubby's so worn down that he needs to stop taking orders from customers, and apply for DSP. 😞 He'll keep doing his craft trade, but once the current orders are finished, he'll pull back to demonstration only and making for family. The compassion fatigue/burnout discussion last night was kinda topical for us.

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Re: D.I.D.

@Smcunnamed (80).jpg


Re: D.I.D.

@Smc thinking of you Heart

Re: D.I.D.

Thinking of you here also @Smc 

Re: D.I.D.


@Smc ðŸ’œðŸ’•

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D.

Thanks all @Faith-and-Hope @Determined @Former-Member .... and any other "watchers".


All quiet for now. Last week was busy with a couple of short notice trips to check out supported housing, plus a few other unplanned but unconnected "out and abouts". The second place that the first one referred Older Daughter on to sounds promising, so she's going through the application process, and we're praying that if it's right for her, she'll get in.

Still getting our heads around Hubby applying for DSP. Not so much the process side of things at the moment, more the emotional and conceptual side of it. It's hard acknowledging how much all this has run us down. And hard to even guage how much so, because it's mostly happened in little bites.


There's a major event coming up soon that has brought in work for Hubby in the past. He's finding it hard facing doing it as "demo only" this year.

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Re: D.I.D.

Thinking of you @Smc 

Do you know how long the application process for supported accommodation takes?

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D.

@Former-Member, she needs to wait for a meeting of the decision making panel, and I think they schedule a meeting once they've got a few applicants. So the answer is, "don't know". I don't think they'd stretch it out an unreasonable long time.

Re: D.I.D.


Stretching oneself too thin seems to be relative.  Taking good care does help in long run.  I hope it works out with changing situation with Hubby.  

Just a watcher in the background, but I learn a lot.


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