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Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT


It's certainly the silly season - emotional rollercoaster of joy, stress, laughter and triggers. And you experience that amplified by the sounds of things.

Are you able to use strategies that have helped in the past when you have hit a low? While there might be the added stress of 'getting involved' with Christmas, your well being is the most important.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

That is a great idea @Former-Member xx

Thankyou @NikNik xx

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

I hate xmas even though i have kids. Its so stressful for me. So much expectations on me. I hate it

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

My hubby thinks ill be in hospital with the way im going with my MI.

I keep on telling him that im not but he doesnt believe me

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT


I thought if I have to put up with Xmas I can at least do some things I enjoy. And I loved the baking. I did it with a friend and made biscuits I knew from my childhood and then it was fun to give them to people. I also spend time and money to donate to various charities as I thought that’s more Xmas spirit than buying expensive presents and useless Xmas cards for everyone.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@Bubbles3it is a stressful time even with children. Hopefully you can enjoy parts of the day. I am sure you kids are looking forward to opening up their presents xmas morning Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@Bubbles3 - What type of expectations are you feeling are on you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Best wishes to everyone - I hope people who are grieving have the space to mourn, and people who are lonely find connection and support.
I hope anyone who feels stressed out by their own or other people's expectations can push those expectations away a bit and acknowledge that you're doing great, however things turn out.
I hope people who are estranged from family can protect themselves from the hurt of being rejected or that sadness of having to cut family off for the sake of staying well.
Good luck to you all!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@bubbles I believe you, and I hope you get to prove your husband wrong

Re: Topic Tuesday // Is it okay to ignore Christmas? // 19 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Best wishes to you too @greenspaceSmiley Happy


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