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Everyone is out to get me

I may have cost a business millions cancelling work choices and bringing in penalty rates a few years back.  
the death threats and stress from the experience have hit me mentally.  
I have skitzophernia and I know its normal to feel isolated and like everyone is out to get me.  
Problem is I made a lot of enemies going union in a nest of 50 liberal buinesses.  Compounding the fact is I cost everyone money at the checkout.  Every major supermarket.  
so it’s no win I feel like everyone is out to get me and everyone has a reason to be pissed at me.  
workers rights I guess


Re: Everyone is out to get me

Hi there Jack13


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Re: Everyone is out to get me

hey there @Jack13 welcome to the forums! 


i'm so sorry that you've had to deal with all this. i can see how overwhelming and exhausting it is to feel like people are still holding that mistake against you. we're all humans after all, sometimes we make the wrong choices but that doesn't mean we deserve to be mistreated for the rest of our lives for it. you are not defined by this one choice.
i can see that you have a lot of guilt around this situation still, is there someone you can talk to whether its a psych, GP, friend, etc? you don't have to go through this alone 💙

Re: Everyone is out to get me

Hey @Jack13  Welcome to the forum.  I'm sorry to hear about what your standing up to corporate greed has cost you.  Death threats in any way are no acceptable in any way and it reflects do bad on those people, not you.  The supermarkets employ a lot of people and they all have better conditions now than under work choices.  And yes, we're all paying more at the checkout, but that is down to the duopoly status of the two giants and their greed and focus on keeping shareholders happy above anything else.


I know it doesn't make all this stress and everything else you're dealing with go away, or probably any easier to deal with, but I think you did the right thing and unfortunately are paying an incredibly heavy price for it.  But things always seem to turn out worse where no one steps forward and does what is right.  So at least take some solace from that.  Not everyone things you did the wrong thing or blames you for anything... quite the opposite.  But like I said, it doesn't help the really unfair and awful position it has placed you in, and I can only say how sorry I am that it's worked out this way for you.

Remember that saying (by Victor Hugo I believe)... "You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Re: Everyone is out to get me

Just a messed up situation the manager was a school mate.  He was the one who threatened me after the company threaten to close down rather than pay penalty rates.  We were on ridiculous hours every third week I would go back to work a second time for a whole week 12 days on 2 days off.  [edited by moderator]

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