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Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Thanks for the update @D1ng0 . It's totally okay if you don't respond straight away. Take your time. 


There's no rule. 


You can only do what you can do. It's really good to hear from you. 


By being on the forums, I hope you find various forms of support.


You deserve it 🙂

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Thanks @tyme, I really appreciate it. Wishing you well 😊

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Hi Dingo - I hear you - it’s so hard doing it on your own and finding some genuine help. I’m on my own with that too, struggling with depression and anxiety and very angry and mistrusting towards just about anyone. I’ve got some really good things in my life too, but the negative stuff always overshadows it. I live in a small rural town with only basic services which are getting less and less and harder to access.

However, I am.a Christian ( a lousy one at that) and what does help me is stepping back from all the noise and agro and delving into the Bible and what God sais. I pray and ask Him for help - and even though he rarely takes the problem away He gives me the strength to go through it, and provides help along the way.

People are so fickle and unreliable, I’ve pretty much given up on them.

I hope & pray for some good things and some strength to come your way too, Dingo.

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Yes having at least 1 support is so important ! Thanks for that, it helped me too reading it 💕

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Morning @D1ng0 , @Hannelore , @Jynx , @tyme , @PizzaMondo , @Former-Member 

How is everyone going today xx

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Morning @Shaz51 I'm doing well too 🙂 How are you doing today? RiverSeal 

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Hello @RiverSeal 😊

A bit tired from a restless night and then hubby made us a cuppa at 4am and been awake since 

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Hey @Hannelore, thank you for your solidarity and well-wishes. I'm very glad that religion works for you, and I hope you continue to find comfort in your book. I personally experienced a lot of trauma due to christian teachings, especially because I am within the LGBT+ community and was branded a dangerous deviant by a christian community leader for that reason. While I am happy for you, I do not want religion discussed in a thread that's about supporting me, as christianity is just another source of trauma for me.

I believe that the people who are unable to support me are dealing with their own struggles and pains, and I know that my two closest friends aren't malicious for needing to prioritise their own mental illnesses and neurodivergent boundaries. The idea of giving up on people leads my mental health down a very dangerous, dark path, where I become resentful and numb. I definitely do need, and deserve, more support from people... but I won't ever give up on them.

Again though, thank you for your well-wishes, and also for your prayers. I may have gone through trauma because of christianity, but I do recognise that you are being genuine and kind when you say that you are praying for good things in my life. So, I appreciate it. And I hope you have a good Sunday.

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Hey @Shaz51, thank you for asking, and I hope you get a better rest tonight.

These might sound like silly victories, but I slept 8 hours last night and ate a banana for breakfast, and those feel like huge achievements in the face of my eating disorder, insomnia, depression, etc. I definitely don't feel actively good, but I feel calm. So I'll take that as a win for now.

I'm also preparing lists for GP, physiotherapy, and counselling appointments next week, thanks to the advice given in another thread. It's slow going, because I feel a bit spacey and am having difficulty concentrating, but it soothes my anxiety about upcoming healthcare. It's the calm before the storm, and I know I will struggle again soon, but I'm enjoying the mental quiet while it lasts. I'm grateful to have this community. Thank you again.

Re: Support for D1ng0 ‌‌‌‌:)

Congratulations on your achievements @D1ng0 and even small wins and a big step in recovery!


It is really inspiring to hear you are preparing for your upcoming appointments with lists and taking advice on board. Looking at the cycle of change it sounds like you are in the action stage and that is impressive to see you look to make changes in your life.




I wish you all the best with your appointments!


Thank you for sharing with the community here on the Forums 🙂


Take care


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