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Re: Am Not Coping

Just read the update to everyone about overseas access @Faith-and-Hope - don't honestly know how I am going to deal with you being unable to post for an extended period of time. I will still post for you to read but will definitely miss you while you are away Hon - this is just added to how I am feeling tonight so I might not be around much. I do understand the issues behind this but for me it is just another change that I don't want to have to deal with.

I can imagine that you are not coping too well with this either as I know the forums are a great source of support for you also. Thinking of you as well as myself in all this Hon Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

I haven’t seen it yet @Zoe7, and I was hoping it wasn’t true ..... 😔

Re: Am Not Coping

It is here Hon - I'll hang around a bit longer tonight after you read it @Faith-and-Hope Smiley Sad

Re: Am Not Coping

ohhh no @Zoe7, @Faith-and-Hope

i have been talking to 2 members from overseas , Smiley Sad ohh noo

Not applicable

Re: Am Not Coping

Hi @Zoe7 (and all reading)

I'm so frustrated for you with the constant eyes watching... I think that is unreasonable to be honest... It would be something that I would feel very uncomfortable with. I'm happy to have observations but they should be organised and with a goal/purpose, not just ongoing... I would take the 'feedback' with several pinches of salt and throw it over my shoulder. Is it something that you could speak to the union about too to get advice on and whether or not this is actually correct procedure for someone returning to work... I would be happy with frequent brief check ins even rather than constantly there... 

This time of year is challenging enough in classrooms - kids are seeing Christmas everywhere and so it seems school 'must' be ending soon, holidays are 'nearly' here! Its definitely not close enough! I had a conversation with my class yesterday about how many days of learning we still need to make the most of before we get to wind down and party... 😄 Add to that Friday afternoon and sheesh!  if you're having some challenges with lessons/kids you're probably doing really well and the kids are behaving normally with you 😄 maybe you should do an observation of your own of a different day hehe! 

Keep being kind to yourself, and stick with it.. i found the first few weeks hugely stressful but it did go back to feeling... like i'd never left quickly but it is still exhausting managing the MH stuff and working.. a constant balancing act somehow i guess... hope you get a nice weekend.  

Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry @Zoe7 .... got caught up with dinner arrangements here before seeing your reply ....


Thank you so much for the link.  I am going to park it up for a little while because I am not feeking up to trying to process it tonight.  I have a (viral) sore throat and headache ....:


Love your response @Former-Member, and wondering whether @Zoe7 can request to sit in on the regular teacher’s class to see how the kids are with someone else ....:

Re: Am Not Coping

Thank you so much for your post here @Former-Member I also find it unreasonable but also am trying to 'suck it up' to get through this period. I also feel a bit like I have been set up here to fail but that could just be my own self-doubt kicking in. 

There are definitely times that I think the lesson could be going better but as you said - it is hard returning to work and being thrown into this situation with the Principal 'watching' doesn't make that any easier.

I have generally been one that doesn't mind having other people in the class either as an observer or helper but the copious amount of notes this Principal has written seems to be excessive. I am trying to see it as it is what it is and deal with it but I am finding that I am coming away from each session feeling quite deflated. I do hope that eases with time.

She is making positive suggestions also and that is helpful but it is hard to put into place my own behaviour management plans when it is so far into the year and the kids are used to one certain way and I was unaware of that process.

In regards to sitting in on the class with the regular teacher - I did request that earlier last term and that was knocked back - it would have really helped to see the processes that the regular teacher has in place Smiley Sad

To be honest it feels like I should have been able to walk in - know the processes and systems already and be able to implement them straight away. It has all left me quite flat and frustrated ...and honestly wondering if I want to continue or if this job is still for me - but I need to continue for this year at least and see how it goes.

Re: Am Not Coping

Sorry I couldn't stick around long enough to catch you last night @Faith-and-Hope - I wasn't feeling to good after the teaching and feedback and then seeing that news about the overseas access completely flattened me as I can imagine it did for you too Smiley Sad

You can be assured that I will post to you everyday and even though you won't be able to repsond I hope you find some comfort in getting messages from me everyday Smiley Very Happy

I do know it is going to be extra hard not having that return connection from you but hoping being able to read posts still will give you a little of that connection.

It totally sucks for the forum as well because you are such a positive presence here for so many and there will be many here who will miss 'seeing' you around for the time you are away. I really am not sure how I will deal with it but I have my reminders of you around me and will try to get into my art and post how I am going to you - that will be possibly my best way to cope with not having my F&H connection each day.

I will make sure you know how much you are missed and loved while you are away Heart

Re: Am Not Coping

Grrr @Zoe7 ..... it sounds like they could be making it easier for you but are choosing not to ..... methinks because the principal was made to do the right thing and create the place for you that was rightfully yours, when she had made it clear she didn’t want to.


Please try to over-ride all that and just do it for you and the kids.  Success is the best antidote to situations like this, if you can rise above them.


Hugs n hugs Hon ..... I would really like to give her / them a piece of my mind .....



Re: Am Not Coping

I would love you to post to me every day @Zoe7 ..... and I am looking forward to both your art and your gardening reports ..... ❣️


I have come down with a sore-throat virus / cold and crashed out last night “early” .... so was awake early too.  I am really sad about the no-forum-access while I am away, but I understand the reasons for it too, and they can’t make exceptions of course ..... 😔

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