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Re: Am Not Coping

Knowing that you and others are supporting me here does help @Faith-and-Hope It also helps that I have this space to talk about it all. The Principal did leave me alone on duty yesterday while she helped out a student with something so I suppose that is progress - need to take the small wins when I get them.

The Maths lesson was better than Science in the afternoon but Friday afternoon is often difficult for everyone anyway. 

I am doing the best I can with what I have been given and she can't expect it to all fall into place straight away!


Of course I will post to you everyday Hon - anything to help you while you are away - on a selfish note it will make me feel more connected to you also Smiley Tongue I will update you with art, garden and fur baby photos as well - will be a nice visual connection to keep you informed as to how I am going as well.

It really sucks that you are not feeling well and I hope your sore throat improves quickly - even more so as you have a lot of work to complete over the next couple of weeks for uni.

Have you organised a dat for leaving for overseas yet Hon?

Not applicable

Re: Am Not Coping

It's ridiculous to not have had a chance to sit with the other teacher and go through the class as a handover... not only for your sake but for the kids. I'm so disappointed in how this has been handled for you. I was wondering what the plans are for your role next year, will you be taking a class/subject area etc? I think this year might just be kind of like you said, sucking it up... and then next year you will have the opportunity to set things up your way that will help you to feel more settled...

Re: Am Not Coping

There are several things that have been badly handled - beginning with an email that was apparently sent around to the other teachers before I actually had the intial meeting with her and the HR person. I am not sure what the email contained but it must have indicated that I was beginning work again at the school part-time. There was also a section in the school newsletter stating that I would be releasing teachers over the remainder of the year on classes - this has not been discussed with me either. I honestly do not know what the process is oing to be moving forward for the remainder of the year but is something I will bring up at the next meeting with HR next Friday. 

The notes the Principal wrote last Monday weren't sent until yesterday morning and so I had no time to read over them before the classes yesterday - just another annoying thing to have to deal with - then our meeting went 20 mintes over time (on a Friday afternoon - argh!) because she wanted to go through those notes.

I have no idea of what the plan is moving forward but will ask that in the meeting on Friday. I am trying to find the positives in all this but finding it hard - I am sure you understand this more than most @Former-Member

I do hope that I can get through what is left of this year and then begin next year fresh - but that seems so far off right now Smiley Sad

Re: Am Not Coping

💚🦋💐💕 @Zoe7 ....


💜😘💕 @Former-Member ....

Re: Am Not Coping

@Faith-and-Hope How is your throat and cold feeling this afternoon? Any improvement?

I am having a very quiet day - had a sleep and Toby is still really close sound asleep. Not feeling good still so can't get into the planning just yet but I have a couple of days to do it - just don't want to leave it too late.

Re: Am Not Coping

Hi @Zoe7 ....


My cold is improved in that my throat has stopped being so sore, and I have a little more energy today ..... but U think also that if I put my head down on a pillow I would be asleep in no time.


Yes, I understand the not wanting to leave it too late - I am feeling the same in regard to my essay.  


Heading out to an apt now, and still haven’t been able to really start, but getting there in terms of hearing my brain for it ..... I am starting to draft ideas even though there is nothing on the page yet.

Re: Am Not Coping

You do not sound well at all Hon - thinking you would sleep if you put your head down is a pretty clear sign your body needs some rest. I know that is hard also when your head is filled with things you need to do. 

It looks like we will both have some work to do tonight - you with your essay and me with my planning. I can't read the notes from yesterday that the Principal sent just yet but will need to do that before I get stuck into it - definitely not something I am looking forward to doing.

I might have a look around to see what I have easily on hand this afternoon but more likely it will be tonight.

What is your appointment today?

Re: Am Not Coping

Hi @Zoe7 .....


I have had a recent leg injury, and had it massaged today when I realised it was soft-tissue ..... hypermobility issues .....


One essay done ..... 👍 .... it’s a set of two as one submission.  If I can knock the other one over just as quickly I might be able to squeeze in some collage as a wind-down before pumpkin hour.  That would be nice .....

Re: Am Not Coping

Hey @Zoe7 .... 🖐💚🦋🌷

2nd essay done .... but not the collage yet .... and missing you ....

I imagine going through the principal's notes (not capitalising that word any more .... grrr) was hard work.  I am hoping you can speak to HR about this, because even hearing another teacher operating under their own difficult school circumstances speak up flags the fact that the principal does not appear to be following an appropriate protocol even yet, and I imagine that her notes are more critical than positive in their nature .....

It is hard to ride over @Zoe7, but I hate the thought of her self-satisfaction in regard to the way she is behaving, and it really sounds like she needs to become accountable to HR, the union, whatever resources you need to draw on to protect yourself from being hampered in your goals.  You have a powerful voice in graciously stepping past things that were better left unsaid or not done, and continuing regardless.  They only have lasting power over you if they get through your shield ... so please keep holding it high.  Imagine all your forum friends with you .... our hands on the shield too .... quietly saying "you go girl @Zoe7".... 💚🌷


Re: Am Not Coping

Well done on getting both essays done Hon - that is a great job @Faith-and-Hope Smiley Very Happy The collage can now be worked on without those hanging over your head so enjoy the process Smiley Very Happy

Been missing you too Hon but know you have a lot to get done so you can't be here as much lately - it makes me happy that you have your course and your art to keep you occupied Smiley Very Happy


We have a meeting with HR this Friday after my second afternoon this week so it will be interesting to see what comes up in that meeting. I have no expectations of what will come from that but will need all my energy after the days lessons to get through it and stick up for myself if needed - very much a wait and see scenario though.

The Principal has been following the same proforma as HR does but it does definitely seem to be A LOT that she is writing - too much really. Every single minute of the lesson is written bout and I am sure she doesn't do that for all the other teachers when she observes those classes. Constructive criticism is ok but this seems to be over doing it.

There is nothing I can do but do the best I can and try to get through it. It is leaving me quite deflated after each session but I know I have the support here of my forum family snd connecting with you all afterwards really helps. I think of you all when I am having self-doubts and that helps to carry me through the more difficult times.

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