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Looking after ourselves

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

I find this a really useful thread - so thanks @Teej !

It helps to actually put things down. So here goes

  • Do a section of fence staining
  • Mop the floor
  • Make biscuits
  • Have a cuppa with my daughter

How bout you @greenpea @Meowmy @Faith-and-Hope @Sunny2009 ?

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@frog @Hope you get your goals done. I am planning to go swimming and bakery and in the evening,promised to take friend’s kids out for a pizza.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Last night I was hovering around this thread trying to come back to it @frog. I think you just inspired me to come back to it. 


Today im going to try something new for me. 

Ive broken my list into parts

  • a housework job
  • a personal job (like cleaning my room)
  • plan and organise food and make sure it’s healthy
  • a leisure/hobby thing for me
  • a health thing (going for a walk) 
  • something (it will be very small) towards my goal of volunteering then work
  • an outside job

Not sure how I’ll go but will give it a spin 😄


Good luck for anyone else trying to motivate themselves today. 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

My big aim today is to stay sane with son2 hovering over me as he has been all morning .... wont get much done unfortunately but spending time with son2 and reassuring him that he is doing fine probably is the best goal that I could possibly have.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Sounds like a good plan @greenpea, staying sane is always a good goal 😄. I hope s2 gets what he needs so you can have some pea time too 💜🤗

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Teej  Thanks Teej Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

I like that approach @Teej how did you go?

I got a bit waylayed becauuse my debit card got hacked. I got texts from the bank and thought *they* were scamming me Smiley LOL It took about an hour to sort out and my card is no more (it had been 'compromised' ha!) so I have to wait for another one and then sort out direct debits etc. I didn't get my mopping done, but it's not going anywhere Smiley Tongue and there's always tomorrow.

Hoping you're still sane-ish @greenpea 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@frog Hi 

it kind of went ok. I didn’t get to the work towards volunteering stuff and not as many house jobs as I would have liked, but I did stay motivated all day and got to tick lots of boxes. Dog was walked too which was a good thing. 


Sounds very annoying about your card. Think mopping can wait too. At least your card got done ✅ 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

- did a 10km hike

- washed my hair

- did some baking

- wrote & submitted a job application

- vacumed the bedroom and bathroom

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

yesterday I

- did a 4km walk, showered & dressed, brushed my teeth

- did a lot of grocery shopping and paid some bills

- did a lot of food prerp and cookery, made a big veggie stew to keeo me going this week

today I need to do the washing up and possibly look for a birthday gift for a family member

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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